#Remixed by Nemesis1 #Based on a few patts #Walkman didin his #mod: Hubbard2 #9 patterns in all. #Samples from same #mod, obviously =8^) #Spent some time #mixing some together #though (mixng sux in #PT & QC ! :( #Anyway, I like this #Hubbard style mod :) #!Rob Hubbard RuLeZ ! #Greetings this time2 #Sukubus, Basehead, #Sidewinder, Sam, CX, #MadMax1, Otis, Yolk, #Legend, Kingpin, and #the rest of the ppl #Ive spoken to on The #Net :) Hiya all! #Done on 29-sep-94 #in a few hours.... #Feedback 2this email # aaj@rhi.hi.is #or find my mail addy #in my MODs-list ! 8) #C64 sounds rule :-) #This is Nemesis1 #falling asleep..ZZZZ